28 Nov 2019 11:21:53
1) Parents/visitors are permitted to see the Ramdandees on specified Sundays and holidays as per school diary.
2) Parents are permitted to take their wards out of the campus on "Out-pass Sundays/holidays" as mentioned in the conspectus of the School between 11.00 hrs to 17.30 hrs with the permission of the Bhawan Masters. The parents must bring them back by 17.30 hrs.
3) The School authorities reserve the right to amend any of the rules in the prospectus & revise the fees and other charges (to meet the inflation) without any notice. These changes will be conveyed to the parents through circulars.
4) It will be presumed that the parents have read and acquainted themselves with the rules and regulations as given in the prospectus, including the amendments to it as circulated from time to time.
5) Parents must inform their latest postal addresses, e-mail addresses, mobile, telephone numbers & Residential telephone numbers to contact them promptly in case of emergency. All parents are requested to share local guardian’s details such as telephone number , mobile number and address.

1) SCHOOL TERM: The academic session is divided into two terms. The first term begins on the first/second Monday of June and the second term in Oct/Nov after Diwali vacations. The date of reopening of the School is informed to the parents through a circular. The parents are supposed to ensure that their wards report to school on the due days,
2) LEAVE: Leave of any kind is discouraged as it affects the studies and other training routine of the students. However, it may be granted on extreme compassionate/ medical grounds.

1) A schedule showing details regarding payment of fees and other deposits is attached separately with the prospectus. Kindly note that the fees and other deposits etc. are subject to revision from time to time.
2) The parents / guardians are requested to note that withdrawal of a ward in between the academic session would entail payment of full fees for the complete academic year.

1) On Disciplinary Grounds: Being a Military School, great stress is laid on discipline. The School authorities have a right to remove a student from the School in case he:
a) Fails to maintain school or bhavan discipline and his influence is considered harmful for the other students.
b) Leaves the School premises without proper permission.
c) Indulges in malpractices.
d) Is considered unable to adjust to the routine and pattern of the School/Hostel.
e) If the student is found involved in unlawful activity.
f) Violation of orders given on a routine basis.
2) Medical Grounds : A student may be withdrawn from the School in case he is found to be medically or physically unfit to undergo the tough school routine and in case his sickness is likely to have harmful effect on the other students in the hostel.

If the student is removed from the School no refund of fees is admissible.

Note: All the legal disputes will be subjected to the jurisdiction of NASHIK Court.
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